Irreconcilable differences. Canada China relations ruptured!
I am fed up with pandering to China. Truth be told, we do not have a relationship with China.
A relationship implies “state of being connected”. We are connected with this authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial super power by grief, anxiety, and bullying. What the hell kind of relationship is that!
Irreconcilable differences. Any couple in that kind of relation would be granted a divorce.
Brian Mulroney agrees. It’s time for ““an immediate and urgent rethink of our relationship with
China”. They interfere with our justice system. They kidnap our people. They steal our intellectual
property. They buy our companies, with an agenda. They just purchased TMAC Resources in
Nunavut. Just for the gold mine? Don’t kid yourself. They have just reinforced their foothold in
Canada, in the Arctic. What’s in the Arctic? It’s a most desired, convenient, straight line Pacific
connection to China, new trade routes with melting ice, and exploration for Arctic oil and gas.
One estimate suggests the Arctic holds “nearly one-third of the world’s natural gas and 13% of
global oil reserves”. Should Canada limit Chinese investment in Canada? Absolutely. Huawei is
now openly spying in Canada under the guise of “lobbyists expanding AI research in Canada”.
I can’t believe TELUS installed Huawei equipment for its 4G network. Huawei stole NORTEL
data, once a Canadian world leader in wireless technology. It’s a spy network. Huawei is an arm
of the communist Chinese military. They continue to steal our technology. How clear can I be!
If China doesn’t like something we do, they retaliate. They not only kidnap, but they cut off
our canola seed exports because of the Huawei Meng arrest. And because of the latest extradition judgement, China has “found insects in our lumber”and charged the two Canadians they kidnapped. Now China wants a Covid waiver from Canadin lobster fishermen. I have two
words for China!
China is also in a fight with Australia over the call for an independent investigation into the
“origin and spread” of COVID-19. Good for Australia, and rightly so. This China originating
virus (and now another swine flu) has ravaged the global economy, infected 11 million, and
killed 525 thousand. These are not just numbers. They are human beings. China MUST be held
accountable. China was predictable in its reaction. Threats of consumer boycott, and accusation that Australia is “a gum stuck on the sole of China’s shoes”. What disrespectful bullies!
If China really had nothing to hide, it would not be defensive and engage in smear campaigns.
There’s more. The Chinese espionage machine is embedded in the Huawei 5G equipment for
the wireless network they want in Canada. Why didn’t Justin Trudeau just say no, long ago?
Is it because China contributes to the P.E.Trudeau Foundation? “Cash for access and favours”
suggests Rona Ambrose. By the way, contributions to the P.E. Trudeau Foundation from foreign
governments, including China, have increased since Justin became PM. Harper handled them
well, stopping China from buying our natural resources. A great start, but it all unraveled with
the Trudeau regime. Trudeau says “they don’t understand our system”. What? They HATE our
system. They’d like to destroy it, like trampling on democratic Hong Kong with a police state in
defiance of the 1997 deal with England. Trudeau says “everything is being done” to get the two
Michaels back.
Not true. We can’t do this alone. Canada and western democracies must stand
together against China. Suspending the Canada-Hong Kong extradition treaty is a small first
step. But may I suggest granting Hong Kongers asylum, sanctions, recalling ambassadors, tariffs
on Chinese imports, withdrawal from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Arrest, charge,
or deport Chinese pressuring Canadians critical of China. Revoke the visas of 140 thousand
Chinese studying in Canada. Less trade. Hurtful at first but consider this. We import 75% of
trade dollars from China. Mainly junk. Electrical components that work temporarily or not
at all, furniture that’s flimsy, often doesn’t fit properly, toys loaded with lead, fertilized crops
full of chemicals, and let’s not talk about their car parts.
What do we export? Quality stuff my friends. Lobster, wood pulp, oil seeds and grains, ores, mineral fuels and oil.
They stopped canola imports from Canada, wheat and pork from the US, soybeans from Australia. Sooner
or later they have to come back to Canada because we have what they want. We want the two
Michaels back and not a dubious relationship. Stand up Canada! Get respect from this lying,
cheating, evil beast. Divorce!
That’s what I’m thinking.
Have a safe summer!