(TLN) Quebec Minister for Seniors and Caregivers Marguerite Blais and Sainte-Rose CAQ MNA Christopher Skeete have announced new financial assistance to the Table régionale de concertation des aînés de Laval amounting to $400,000 in 2023.
Budget hike
The 20 per cent increase in the TRCAL’s budget will allow the organization to increase the availability of services to seniors, Skeete and Blais said in a statement.
“This significant increase in funding, which was sought for several years, shows the importance accorded to seniors issues by our government,” said Skeete.
Subsidies for seniors
TRCAs exist in each of Quebec’s 18 administrative regions. The TRCAL is overseen by the Conférence des Tables régionales de concertation des aînés du Québec (CTRCAQ).
The CTRCAQ is expected to receive an additional subsidy of more than $910,000 by 2023 to assist with its activities. In all, the TRCAL and the CTRCAQ will be receiving $7.7 million by 2023.