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Laval marks Fire Prevention Week Oct. 7 – 13

Laval Fire Department
The City of Laval and its firefighters held a province-wide Fire Prevention Week from Oct. 7 – 13.


The City of Laval and its firefighters held a province-wide Fire Prevention Week Oct. 7 – 13. This year’s theme, “It’s in the kitchen that it happens,” illustrates the fact that nearly a third of all the fires that break out in buildings in Quebec start in the kitchen area.

On the last day of the week-long campaign (Saturday Oct. 13) from 10 am to 4 pm, Laval’s nine firehalls held open door events where everyone was welcomed. Families were invited to come out to their neighbourhood firehall to take part in activities and to learn first-hand about firefighting operations from those for whom firefighting is a life calling and a job.

“I am especially pleased to invite all citizens of Laval to visit their local firehall where they can become familiar with all the different rules to follow for security,” says Laval city councillor for Concorde-Bois-de-Boulogne Sandra Desmeules who is responsible for public safety on the executive-committee.


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