Laval City Hall Watch – May 17 2017

Laval City Hall Watch - May 17 2017

 Landscaping green spaces on promenade Paton

The members of the executive committee approved a contract awarded to the Cusson-Morin Construction company for the modification of a green space on de la promenade Paton. The works include the installation of decorative lighting as well as the reengineering the landscaping in order to reduce heat islands. An urban heat island is an area that is meaningfully warmer than its surroundings because of human installations and activities. The temperature difference is often greater at night and is most apparent when winds are weak. Summer and winter months are most affected. It is suggested that the exchange of natural environments for concrete structures is the main cause of this effect while waste heat generated by energy usage is a secondary contributor. The return to natural environments is believed to result in the reversal of this effect.


Tree Planting project receives financing

Le Collectif de verdissement PlantAction is a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to educate residents about the importance of planting trees to beautify the landscape and counter heat effects of urban development. Since 2012 PlantAction has realized various projects that has resulted in the planting of 545 trees in the districts of Champfleury, Sainte-Rose and Fabreville East.

The city administration has contributed in these efforts by financing the purchase of 423 trees. The organization wishes to continue its mission in 2017 and has again asked the City for assistance. The Executive Committee has approved the awarding of a grant of $ 12,545 before taxes for the planting of 80 trees. This expense not only covers the purchase of up to 80 trees but also the materials and expertise needed to coordinate these installations.


MCCQ grant for the development of library collections

The Ministry of Culture and Communications of Quebec (MCCQ) has approved a grant of $ 1,093,300 destined for the city of Laval. This funding is from the 2016 budget under its project assistance program for the development of literary collections of autonomous public libraries whose objective is to enrich existing collections through the acquisition of books, periodicals, audiovisual documents and databases. The agreement requires the recipients of this financing to provide a contribution equivalent to at least 50% of the amount of this subsidy.


On the job training

The Executive Committee has authorized the City of Laval’s administration to receive several unpaid trainees over the next few months in various municipal departments. This on the job experience is an important element of the students’ professional development.


Improvements to the road network: bicycle paths and traffic calming measures

On the recommendation of the Engineering Department, the Executive Committee granted the Center for Urban Infrastructure Expertise and Research (CERIU) a contribution of $ 7,000 for the development of a guide for the maintenance of bike paths. This guide will enable Laval to develop an effective maintenance program to better prolong the life of this important network asset. The report will also provide recommendations addressing measures to improve cyclists and pedestrian safety. The City of Laval extends the green cycling network by an average of 25 kilometers a year.

In addition, the executive committee has also awarded a contract for professional fees of $ 128,351 (before taxes) to Aecom Consultants. They have been given the mandate to prepare preliminary plans and estimates in order to realize the projects that have been earmarked for installation in 2017.  Development of the bicycle path is an important element of the city of Laval’s active mobility plan. The plans are scheduled to be completed by May with construction scheduled to begin in June of 2017.

The executive committee awarded a contract of $ 103,939 (before taxes) to SNC-Lavalin for professional consulting services. The firms mandate is to prepare preliminary plans and estimates for traffic calming measures planned on various streets and intersections of the city.


Cultural development plan for the Laval region

In April 2015, the City of Laval adopted its strategic vision and plan for urban development for the next two decades. The Department of Culture, Recreation, Sport and Social Development began forecasting its priorities and strategies for future interventions. Among the issues identified the development of the cultural sector has emerged as a priority for the City and for local stakeholders.

In light of this fact the executive committee has awarded a professional support contract to Alexandre Warnet for $ 24,472.43 (before taxes). This mandate funds the realization of a cultural development plan for the Laval region which will be based on recommendations and findings of the cultural diagnosis undertaken by the Regional Council of Culture of Laval to be filed in 2017. The report will be the foundation of future negotiations with the Ministry of Culture and Communications for the signing of a multi-year cultural development agreement. The mandate also includes the organization of Laval’s Culture Summit which is scheduled for June 10th 2017.


Extension of the agreement Mobilization-Diversity program 2016-2017 with MIDI

In June 2016, the City of Laval and Quebec’s Department of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) signed an agreement to provide a $ 400,000 budgetary envelope funded equally by both parties for projects and services geared towards the integration and inclusion immigrants in Laval society.

The Executive Committee has approved an extension of this agreement until June 30th for an additional three months. With this resolution, MIDI will allocate an additional $50,000 to be matched by the city to ensure continuity of funding while the details of the new agreement which will cover the period 2017-2019 and take effect on July 1st  2017 are finalized.


Grants of $170,000 to professional cultural organizations

As part of the Cultural Development Agreement between the City of Laval, the Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications and the Laval School Board funding the 2017 Partnership Initiatives Program the executive committee has awarded subsidies to nine professional cultural organizations in Laval for the realization of various projects.

The list of organizations receiving grants include; Bluff Productions for RADICART an amount of $25,000, La Centrale des artistes (The Artist Central) for Parallel passage an amount of $25,000, Société d’histoire et de généalogie de l’île Jésus (Society of History and Genealogy of Jesus Island) for the History of Laval: A Time Line an amount of $10,000, Réseau ArtHist (ArtHist Network) for Ouimet and Smallwood: a story to be restored an amount of $20,000, Société des arts visuels de Laval  (Laval Visual Arts Society) for the Digital Creation and Mediation Laboratory an amount of $25,000, Les productions Le P’tit Monde (Productions Le P’tit Monde) for the Motivation and pleasure of writing: the great writing contest an amount of $22,000, Lis avec moi (Read with me) for The challenge: the great play of reading aloud an amount of $8,000, Centre d’archives de Laval (Laval Archives Center) for A living past an amount of $10,000 and Théâtre incline (Theater inclined) for Nordicity: second digital component an amount of $25,000.