Laval City Hall Watch December 7 2016

Laval City Hall Watch - December 7 2016

Laval City Hall Watch December 7 2016

Financial assistance for Laval Symphony Orchestra project

The members of the Executive Committee have agreed to grant an exceptional financial assistance in the amount of $ 25,000 to the Orchestre symphonique de Laval (Laval Symphony Orchestra) for the project “L’air du temps,  rencontres musico-littéraires à la résidence”. This musical-literary program has as an objective to organize musical meetings at seniors residences. The aim is to present 56 mini musical performances in local CHSLDs (chronic care facilities) and several seniors’ residences in Laval.

 Acquisition of lots for agricultural consolidation

At the public meeting of the executive committee held November 23rd the members of the Executive Committee endorsed several acquisitions of lots for agricultural consolidation purposes. It should be noted that in April 2016 the City of Laval implemented an innovative agricultural consolidation strategy the scope and largesse of which has never been seen before in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Commission for the Protection of Agricultural Land in Quebec.

The lots acquired include: Lot 1 856 893 of the cadastre of Québec, 501.70 square meters, located between rue Debussy and avenue Papineau, for the sum of $ 500; Lot 1 492 863 of the cadastre of Québec, with an area of ​​464.5 square meters, located at the corner of Boulevard des Mille-Îles and Rue Debussy for $ 500 and Lots 1 492 347, 1 493 361 and 1 493 362 of the cadastre of Québec, with a total area of ​​1 393.5 square meters, located at the corner of Boulevard des Mille-Îles and Rue Debussy, for the amount of $ 1,500.

while the City’s Evaluation Service has been managing the transactions of the 21 land consolidation sites earmarked in the strategy, Laval has acquired 72 lots since 2015. Emphasis has been placed on Site 2 since April 2016 which is a pilot project of the Laval Agricultural Development Plan (PDZA) whose aim is the complete consolidation of this territory. Only for this site the administrators have already concluded 49 lots acquisitions.

Laval is one of the few cities in Québec where urban life is close to a permanent agricultural zone. This zone occupies 30% of its territory approximately 7000 hectares. This land area is operated by 121 farms in addition to a network of 53 farm kiosks. Annual revenues of $ 60 million are derived from the sale of agricultural products.

Agriculture is a major component of Laval’s economic vitality and integrates with urban activity in the same way as trade and industry. Support for Laval farmers is therefore very important especially in light of the fact that production of harvests for local consumption is ecologically more favourable.

On June 13, 2016, the City of Laval unveiled its Agricultural Zone Development Plan (PDZA). The PDZA aims to enhance the Laval agricultural zone by promoting the sustainable development of agricultural activities. This strategic diagnosis of the agricultural sector of Laval has identified key orientations and priorities for development in the next five years.

Summary of Highlights of the Laval Economy – 3rd Quarter 2016

The executive committee was presented a summary of the highlights of Laval’s economic activities for the 3rd quarter of 2016. The Economic Development Service compiles a quarterly report tabulating actual economic data which is compared to performances of Laval’s economic activity and annual economic indicators of the last five years. This data provides a picture of the health of the Laval economy and its continued evolution.

For the third quarter of 2016 the following is particularly noteworthy. There was a slight increase in the unemployment rate to 6.6% from 5.4% in the second quarter of 2016. This is well below the average rate of 7.2% of the last 10 years in Laval. It is also a decrease of 3.2 percentage points from the 3rd quarter of 2015 when it was 9.8%. As a result the number of residents calling Laval home has increased by more than 22,200 during this period. Also encouraging for continued economic development is that the value of building permits issued in industry and commerce has increased sharply. It has almost doubled compared to the same period in 2015 and increased by more than 20% compared to 2014.

Construction of the new Armand-Frappier Biosciences Interpretation Center (CIBAF)

The mission of the Armand-Frappier Biosciences Interpretation Center (CIBAF) is to promote understanding of scientific issues related to human health by offering educational activities to the entire population. The physical premises currently are located in the technological and bioscience park. The physical spaces available for the functioning of the CIBAF are insufficient, too small, poorly adapted to the functions of a science center. Also the facility is difficult to access for the general population it serves being located on a secure university campus.

The Executive Committee authorized the call for tenders by way of public bidding for professional services for the preparation of the functional and technical program studies and performance specifications and services required for the design and construction of a new center. The publication of the offer for services will be published shortly in local medias and in the SEAO electronic bidding system.

The location of the newly constructed Bioscience Center building will be in the immediate vicinity of the Cosmodôme in Laval. This relocation will favor a centralization of attractions in the scientific culture domain and also increase the visibility of this unique museum center.

Vélo Québec Velosympathetic Certification Program

A resolution was adopted by the executive to present the candidacy of the City of Laval for the Velo Quebec bicycle friendly certification. This Bicycle Movement initiative encourages communities and organizations to make cycling a real option for transportation and recreation for all. Laval wishes to submit its candidacy as a community at large developing a cycling network that favors the use of the bicycle as a real option in transportation and leisure, as evidenced by the bicycle racks attached to buses of the public transportation system. 

Acceptance in this program allows a municipality access to tools and support services for the development and promotion of cycling.

Funding for “For Equal Social Development in Laval ” project

Financial assistance of $ 12,385.50 (before taxes) will be provided to fund the project “For Equal Social Development in Laval ” specifically to the Secretariat for the Status of Women. This project involves providing specialized gender sensitivity training sessions and accompaniment to municipal staff and community and institutional partners engaged in the development of the Laval Regional Social Development Policy.
The deployment of this project will be carried out with the assistance of consultant Charlotte Thibault an expert in gender analysis. Her candidacy was presented by the Secretariat for the Status of Women.