‘Supporting the community is our priority’ says Action Laval’s Achille Cifelli
(Newsfirst) It was as a member of the volunteer committee and founder of the Fête de quartier de Val-des-Brises that Action Laval interim-leader Achille Cifelli, who is also the city councillor for Val-des-Arbres, summed up as a success the 15th annual Fête de quartier Val-des-Brises which took place Sept. 15 in Royal 22nd Regiment Park from 2 to 7 pm.

“Over the past 15 years, more than $280,000 have been collected to support various causes for children,” noted Cifelli. “This year, we will be adding nearly $45,000 to the non-profit group Les Dragons de Laval to support their sports mission with youths 5 to 14 years of age.”
On the menu at the Fête de quartier were activities for every age, including music made available by DJs, as well culinary delicacies.
“Fifteen years ago, we were but a small team to organize the celebration with 400 participants,” he pointed out. “Now there are nearly 10,000 participants and many sponsors who joined us last Sunday.
“On that note, I would like to thank our sponsors and volunteers who make a celebration like this possible.”
He thanked the following sponsors who provided help to the organization committee to provide food and refreshments to participants:
L’Inter Marche Palumbo, Tim Horton 440 est, Pâtisserie St-Martin, Restaurant Bellepro’s, Boucherie Capitol, Crèmerie Pineault and IGA Famille Sévigny.