Laval’s Centre de la Nature becomes a children’s amusement park

Although the day’s activities may have started out a little slow last Sunday because of an overcast sky and light rain in the morning, by afternoon, when the sun had emerged in all its glory, the City of Laval’s Fête de la Famille was drawing large crowds of moms, dads and kids who came out for a last stab at summer before the beginning of the cold season.

There can be no doubt that once a year on Labour Day Weekend, it’s fun to be a boy or girl at Laval’s biggest annual outdoor family party, which is always held at the Centre de la Nature, a sprawling 50-hectare green space in Duvernay.
A fun day for kids

The city has been staging the Fête de la Famille since the year 2000, when the event was created to mark Laval’s 35th anniversary. This year’s event included all the things that kids love most, including inflatables, strolling clowns, fantasy characters, stage acts and fitness challenges.

While the theme of family clearly took front stage, there was no mistaking for even a moment that the day belonged to the children.
The Centre de la nature was transformed for the day into a vast amusement park that also featured interactive shows, science workshops, makeup artists and more.