City says it’s ready for snowfall expected this weekend

With up to 20 centimetres of snow expected to fall this weekend, the City of Laval says its snow-clearing crews and equipment are ready for whatever nature throws at them.

According to the city, operations will be undertaken from the start of the snowfall with the spreading of abrasives on streets and sidewalks.

However, the city is reminding residents and private snow removal contractors that shovelling or moving snow out onto the street is forbidden.

The city offers the following advice to help facilitate snow removal operations:

  • Park 30 centimetres (around a foot) from the edge of the sidewalk to diminish risk of being struck by the sidewalk plow;
  • Shovel snow onto your own property rather than on the sidewalk;
  • On garbage or recycling days, avoid leaving your bins on the sidewalk or roadway;
  • Respect parking restrictions on signage warning of snow removal.

The progress of snow removal operations can followed online at