UPDATED: Monday April 6, 2020. (Pictures by anonymous reader)
With their plates already full while monitoring for outbreaks of COVID-19, Laval city officials have another challenge to deal with: spring flooding in Laval-Ouest and other areas of the region.
In Laval-Ouest, residents living near the edge of the Rivière des Mille Îles have been pressuring the city to install an inflatable water barrier as a preventive measure to stop flooding should there be a recurrence of it this year.
On Saturday April 4, rising waters from the river were beginning to edge over the low-lying Berge aux Quatre-Vents park on Riviera St., although the situation could hardly be considered alarming compared to recent past years.
Federal and provincial public safety and environmental officials don’t see the flooding situation as getting out of hand this year. In the meantime, the City of Laval is making sandbags available to residents who feel they might need them.