Tuesday, July 16, 2024

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

Clause-by-clause study of language law quickly gets controversial Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City As the adage goes, the devil is in the details and Bill 96,...

Anglos struggle to see where they stand with Quebec government

Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City Despite the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government’s repeated insistence that it will maintain the rights of English-speaking Quebecers, anglophones are...

Pandemic impacted economic development of English communities in Quebec

Ottawa, Quebec failed to halt Anglo community’s economic decline, says CEDEC There was a collective failure on the part of federal and provincial governments to...

Anglo ‘Task Force’ brief says Bill 96 ‘deinstitutionalizes the English language’

Among TFLP’s founding members are veterans of the first wave of Bill 101 resistance While maintaining that they enjoy “a pretty good relationship” with the...

Bill 96 should be scrapped ‘in its entirety,’ says Quebec Community Groups Network

New language law ‘will change Quebec, and not for the better,’ QCGN claims in scathing brief In a memorandum presented last week to the National...

UMQ warns CAQ not to disturb ‘linguistic peace’ with Bill 96

Uncertainty whether some bilingual municipalities will be keeping their status While saying they agree generally with the CAQ government’s Bill 96 to strengthen Quebec’s French...

QESBA asks CAQ government to drop ‘notwithstanding’ sections from Bill 96

‘You don’t believe there is a decline in French,’ language minister tells Anglo school boards In a brief presented by the Quebec English School Boards...

Quebec shouldn’t seek ‘sovereignty by the back door,’ says Julius Grey

Is disturbed neither National Assembly opposition nor Ottawa have questioned Bill 96 In Bill 96: The perils of ‘pensee unique’ published in the Toronto-based Lawyer’s...

Bill 96 will set off a constitutional crisis, language rights lawyer tells QCGN

‘In the face of the right to French, no other rights can stand,’ says Michael Bergman A Montreal lawyer and language rights expert predicted during...

Upper House delays Trudeau government’s legislation to regulate the Internet

Senator Leo Housakos calls Bill C-10 ‘an adamant attack on freedom of speech’ Has Canada’s Senate shut down Liberal Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault’s attempt to...