Transports Québec is advising motorists from Laval who use Route 335 between Terrebonne and Ste-Anne-des-Plaines that asphalting work will be taking place on that stretch beginning Aug. 21, and for the next five weeks, but at night only.

In Terrebonne, the asphalting will be taking place on Louis-Joseph-Papineau Blvd. (as Route 335 is known within Terrebonne), between Industriel Blvd. and Saint-Roch Rd.
The work will also be taking place on Montée Gagnon, between Terrebonne’s northern limit and the Mascouche river in Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines.
During the work, several stretches of Route 335 headed in one direction will be closed.
From Industriel Blvd. to Côte Saint-Louis Rd. East
Complete closure of Route 335 in one direction*, except at the following intersections:
Rang Saint-François and Camus St.: one lane per direction will be maintained. Rang Saint-François and Camus St. will nonetheless be closed to traffic and users will have to follow indicated detours.
Côte Saint-Louis Rd. East: one lane per direction at the four (4) approaches to this intersection will be maintained, with rerouting of traffic in reverse.
Speed will be reduced to 70 km/h or 50 km/h depending on the progress of the work.
From Côte Saint-Louis Rd. East to Saint-Roch Rd.
Complete closing in one direction of Route 335* and left turn lanes.
Speed will be reduced to 40 km/h at all times.
From the northern limits of Terrebonne to the Mascouche river
Complete closing in one direction of Route 335*.
Speed will be reduced to 50 km/h at all times.
* During complete closings, circulation will take place on an alternating basis on Route 335, with the help of signaling equipment.