At a special meeting on Aug. 3, the Société de transport de Laval’s (STL) Board of Directors welcomed new member Dory Jade, who was appointed by the Laval municipal council.
“We are very excited to welcome Mr. Jade to a board committed to fighting climate change. With his extensive experience, it will no doubt serve to keep our organization running smoothly,” said Eric Morasse, chair of the STL board, in a statement before the meeting.
Mr. Jade has been CEO of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC) since 2013.
He developed expertise in devising and overseeing strategic plans and budgets.
The STL says his knowledge of good governance practices by means of regulations and policies make him a tremendous asset to the STL board.

Mr. Jade was selected by the City of Laval’s Governance Secretariat, which strives to recruit the best possible candidates to fill director positions on councils and committees where the city can appoint or designate representatives.
The STL board is now made up of nine members appointed by the municipal council, including five elected officials, two independent members, one regular transit user member and one paratransit user member.
Their term is for a maximum of four years and is renewable.
The STL says Mr. Jade will sit on the board as the director representing paratransit users.