Ville de Laval organized a special manual waste collection at around 100 collection points in order to support adaptation to new practices.
This is in addition to the collections already scheduled normally. Thus, a large collection was carried out in the last days to ensure that targeted places in the city are free from the accumulation of abandoned residual materials.
This intervention was necessary to maintain the cleanliness of the streets and the quality of the citizens’ living environment.
In addition, several awareness officers who have crisscrossed the territory since last April will continue their work during the next collections in order to better support citizens in sorting residual materials and to explain the recovery solutions available in order to maximize the use of collection bins.
It should be noted that this very targeted operation, which concerns around a hundred collection points, consisted in the collection of tillers of waste abandoned on vacant lots at the end of dead end streets or left on the edge of the street, but also not in conformity with the regulations. usual collection services.
Every action counts!
In a context of labor shortages in the trucking and recyclable materials industry, the management of collections brings up specific issues for which the City must remain vigilant and show constant agility in order to ensure sanitation. of the territory. Last April, nearly 123,000 black bins serving 130,000 doors were distributed across the region. This operation for the citizens living in buildings of 7 units or less has completed the automated collection service 3-way ( brown bin , blue bin , black bin ). However, the new habits required by 3-way collection still require adjustments from citizens. It is also important to emphasize that in addition to the three-way collection, other recovery and recovery solutions are possible. In March of this year, the City adopted its Laval Residual Materials Management Strategy 2020-2025 with a desire to put in place the right conditions in order to move towards “zero waste” by 2035.
Ways to dispose of residual materials
With the new 3-way automated collection, citizens now have access to several ways of disposing of their residual materials. Waste Black bin collected once a week, for buildings with 7 units or less. Black bin and other containers picked up once or twice a week, for buildings with 8 units or more and businesses. Recycling Blue bin collected once a week. Compost Brown bin picked up once a week from April to November and every 2 weeks in the winter season, for buildings with 7 units or less.

Implementation of collection in progress, for buildings with 8 or more housing units.
2 reception areas for dry materials
Free for a volume of 12 m 3 per address, per year.
Bulky items collection
For buildings with 7 units or less, the bulky items collection takes place the last full week of each month, one working day before the garbage collection. For citizens whose blue bin and black bin collections are on Monday, the bulky items collection is the following Friday. Exceptionally, in 2021, 6 additional collections are offered.
Old refrigeration equipment
Home collection on call.
Collections of fallen leaves and Christmas trees
The collection of dead leaves is done through the collection of organic materials. The collection of Christmas trees is done the same day as the collection of recyclable materials.
Mobile ecocentre
Next: September 18, 2021.
Report delays to 311
If citizens notice delays in their collections, they are asked to leave their bins at the curb and wait 2 days before calling 311 to report it.