Beginning on May 11, it will be possible for a caregiver with a close relationship to someone living in a CHSLD to provide help and support for that person in a long-term care residence within the CISSS de Laval network.

Despite the current COVID-19 pandemic, the CISSS says it has put into place new measures to better welcome and protect caregivers who had previously been making regular visits to loved ones living in a CHLSD.
According to the CISSS, recognized caregivers will be contacted by a CISSS representative for an appointment. Those who are not contacted but who also wish to care for a loved one must take an appointment by contacting the CHSLD on the phone. A social worker will follow up and provide information on the rules that must be followed.
Restrictions apply
There can be no visits without first making arrangements during an appointment. The CISSS says that for the health and safety of residents and staff, a caregiver who does not respect the rules could be denied access to the CHSLD. Here are some of the rules to be followed:
• Only one caregiver at a time may be present (and the caregiver must also be someone previously known for their significant relationship to the resident).
Only recognized caregivers to be allowed visits, says CISSS
• It will be forbidden to freely walk around the unit at the CHSLD.
• Cargivers will not be able to attend if they have symptoms that include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or lost of taste or smell).
More rules
• It will be mandatory to respect all the protection and prevention rules (hand washing, wearing protective gear, including mask, visor, gown and gloves).
• Caregivers must use only the protective gear furnished by the CHSLD (personal masks not allowed).
• Personal belongings (handbags, phones, etc.) not allowed in the CHSLD.
• During the first visits, a staff member will accompany caregivers to the room of the resident.
• During each visit, caregivers must submit to a screening process that is obligatory. Staff will be available to answer questions and guide caregivers around.
• A social worker will meet the caregiver before the caregiver leaves the CHSLD in order to hear comments and answer questions if there are any.
At private residences
Regarding private CHSLDs, intermediary resources and private retirement residences in Laval, the CISSS de Laval says it is currently assisting the management at these institutions in order to assure that appropriate measures are in place.
Additional information (in French) can be found on the CISSS web site: For information about caregivers, the following online publication (also in French) is available from the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services: Â