Laval mayor Marc Demers says a teleconference meeting on Tuesday, during which he and other city officials discussed re-starting Laval’s post-COVID-19 economy with Quebec Finance Finister Eric Girard and Economy and Innovation Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon, was a success and a sign the provincial government is taking the issue seriously.

“This virtual meeting allowed everyone to talk about the many challenges that await us following the pandemic,” the mayor said in a statement. “Our business people were badly impacted by this crisis and we see it as our duty to implement measures that will be adopted to meet the reality.
“We are pleased to see that the government of Quebec has serious intentions about re-starting the economy and is listening to the concerns of our business community,” added Demers. “I thank ministers Fitzgibbon and Girard for their valuable cooperation.”
Laval city councillor Stéphane Boyer, vice-president of the executive-committee and responsible for economic development dossiers, said the city has already begun the arduous task of rebuilding Laval’s post-COVID-19 economy.
“Our teams at the city, including the economic development service, is already on the job to work out, in conjunction with the business community, a plan to re-launch our economy,” said Boyer. “The meeting allowed everybody to express their preoccupations, while also suggesting opportunities, as well as paths towards solutions to be explored.”