In the course of a recent security campaign around schools, the Laval Police Dept. felt they wanted to make more than the usual impact on motorists whose attention isn’t always easy to attract.
‘Living Radars’
What they came up with was imaginative, to say the least: Living Radars. School age children wear back packs with large luminescent displays indicating the speed at which motorists are travelling.
The concept was inspired by a promotional campaign first undertaken by the Société d’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ). So far, two such living radars have been used in Laval during the 2021 back-to-school period this fall.
Lightweight radar
The units, made like school bags worn on the child’s back, are adjustable to the size of children and contain a functioning radar mechanism, as well as a lightweight illuminated panel that posts the speed of passing cars.
Over the past few weeks, several children tried out the Living Radars, while accompanied by a police officer. Regarded as a preventive tool, the LPD confirms that they do indeed draw the attention of motorists and succeed in slowing them down.
To be re-deployed
Developed in conjunction with the traffic management technology company Trafic Innovation, the Living Radars will be used by the LPD over three future phases of their safety campaign, in November, next February and next April.

The LPD points out that in addition to the SAAQ’s participation in the project, two school boards, those being the Centre de services scolaire de Laval (CSSL) and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB), also participated.
Safety campaign ongoing
To date, according to the LPD, the police have made 260 visits to school zones at 67 schools in Laval during their back-to-school safety campaign.
The LPD has placed a video online on their Facebook page to provide information on the campaign, and additional videos are expected.
Over the coming weeks, the police will be watching the streets and roads around schools to make sure all rules and regulations are being observed by motorists to ensure the safety of school children.