A large part of Laval’s territory is currently affected by power outages caused by icy conditions and numerous falling trees.
Although 101,358 out of 198,465 Laval homes are without electricity, the situation is under control. The City is working with various stakeholders and is closely monitoring the evolution of the situation.
The safety of citizens placed first

The Laval territory is particularly affected by the bad weather that has hit southwestern Quebec in the last few hours, and municipal teams are hard at work to ensure the safety of citizens. Among other things, they are busy securing the main arteries, clearing the roadway of fallen branches and trees, and spreading abrasives on the streets and sidewalks. They will remain mobilized until the situation is resolved.
Summary of interventions
- Nearly 300 employees unite their efforts: 250 streets have been cleared in the last 24 hours. Currently, all streets are passable. However, even if debris (trees, ice, wires) continues to fall, the teams intervene quickly.
- The City deployed additional staff to 311 and 911 to meet the needs of citizens as soon as possible. As for the police and firefighters, they ensure increased surveillance of the territory and follow up on calls to 911.
- A police patrol with flashing lights will be deployed in sectors without electricity to reassure citizens and provide them with assistance if needed.
- Since the start of the situation, 380 calls have been received, mainly in connection with trees in contact with electrical wires. The firefighters also intervene in the management of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning and carry out reminders of instructions.
Places to welcome citizens
Ville de Laval has made several municipal buildings available to accommodate citizens who wish to warm up and charge their electronic devices.
Open Libraries
- Library Gabrielle-Roy (Fabreville)
- Library Germaine-Guèvremont (Duvernay)
- Library Marius-Barbeau (Saint-François)
- Library Multiculturelle et Le studio – espace numérique (Chomedey)
- Library Laure-Conan (Auteuil)
- Library Sylvain-Garneau (Sainte-Rose)
Closed municipal buildings
- Arenas: Lucerne, Pierre-Creamer, Martin St-Louis, Hartland-Monahan, Mike-Bossy and Richard-Trottier (work)
- Librabries: Philippe-Panneton, Émile-Nelligan and Yves-Thériault
- Community Centers: Accès, Argenteuil, Auteuil, Centre Champfleury, St-Joseph, Jean-Paul Campeau, Laval-Ouest, Ste-Dorothée, Raymond-Fortin and Centre du Sablon
- Centre de la nature
- Ecocentres
- Maison des arts
Safety tips during the outage
The City would like to remind you that generators and their exhaust pipes must always be placed outside buildings to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Also, since many traffic lights are not functional, the City invites motorists to be extremely careful. It is important to bring the vehicle to a complete stop, then look around before moving on.
- Check your smoke alarms and battery operated carbon monoxide alarms.
- Turn off electrical appliances and stoves that were on at the time of the outage.
- Be sure to place your generator outside well away from the building to avoid poisoning, and install a carbon monoxide alarm.
Be careful when refueling. Follow the safety advice of the Fire Department. - Use flashlights instead of candles for added safety.
- Turn down thermostats to minimum.
- Unplug all electrical and electronic appliances, except for one lamp per floor, to avoid surging appliances when power returns.
- Never use indoor heaters, lights or stoves designed for outdoor use or camping, such as charcoal or propane barbecues, camp heaters or propane stoves.
- Emergency lighting in buildings lasts for approximately 30 minutes. This lighting is to facilitate evacuation and not to compensate for a breakdown.
- Do not open the refrigerator or freezer door unnecessarily. This will keep food fresh for 24 to 48 hours.
- In the event of an emergency, you may need to provide for your basic needs until help arrives. That’s why it’s important to prepare an emergency kit that will last you about 72 hours.
Citizens can report any problematic situation (e.g. sewer backup, tree fallen on the road, faulty traffic lights, etc.) to the 311 service. As for emergency situations requiring the movement of firefighters, police officers or paramedics, they can contact 911. To report a breakdown or warn of a potential danger concerning vegetation near a wire, please notify Hydro-Québec online or by calling 1-800-790-2424.
More information
- Extreme Winter Conditions
- Power outages (Hydro-Québec)
- Centre de Services sociaux de Laval
- Precautions in the event of a winter storm or freezing rain (Ministry of Public Safety)
- Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning (Ministry of Health and Social Services)
- Power outages (Government of Quebec)