Action Laval city councillor for Laval-des-Rapides Isabella Tassoni tabled a motion during the June 2 council meeting calling on the city to provide funding for a public consultation and plans to be drawn up for the future preservation of the Trait-Carré Woods.
Debate over future
The Boisé du Trait Carré (as it is known more commonly) is a 12-hectare wooded lot located in central Laval which has been the subject of extended debate on its future in the last few years.
The small forest was given a protected status by the City of Laval two years ago following a public outcry and through lobbying by Tassoni.

“I am proud that these woods were protected, which I believe was the main battle of my mandate for the citizens of Laval-des-Rapides, a true victory, but it’s not over,” Tassoni said in a statement.
Although the lot is now the property of the city and protected from private development, Tassoni wants a public consultation held on its future. Tassoni believes she should preside the consultation.
Generational project
“More than 4,000 citizens have already expressed their wish to make this space an urban park, and environmental groups have even proposed to help us. I believe this is a project for an entire generation and our choices regarding these woods will have an impact on the territorial organization of our downtown forever.”
Tassoni is calling upon her colleagues on city council to support her proposal during the next meeting of city council in July. “There has already been too much partisanry on this subject and we are faced with a consensus: the citizens want these woods to be cared for,” she said. “It’s their democratic choice. Let’s do it together.”
A key green space
The Trait-Carré Woods are regarded as the most important wooded green space in central Laval. The woods are located a relatively short distance from Laval’s educational centre, where Collège Montmorency, the University of Montreal’s Laval campus and other educational institutions are also situated. Tassoni’s motion to initiate a consultation and planning would require an estimated $125,00 – $200,000 investment by the city.