The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de Laval has announced the opening of a third COVID-19 testing facility. This one is at the Saint-François Arena in the district of Saint-François in Laval’s east end. The CISSS had previously announced the opening of testing centres at the Pierre Creamer Arena in Chomedey, and at the Cartier Arena in Pont-Viau.
According to the CISSS, persons with these characteristics are prioritized to be tested at these sites: those with symptoms of flu or COVID-19 (fever, worsening cough, difficulty breathing, loss of sense of smell); persons who have been in close contact with someone recently diagnosed positively with COVID-19; medical professionals whose work brings them into contact with COVID-19 patients.
The Saint-François Arena is located at 9449 De Tilly St. in Saint-François. Testing is available with or without an appointment from 8 am to 4 pm, seven days out of seven.