The City of Laval says it has purchased a large riverside green space on des Prairies Blvd. in Laval-des-Rapides, with an historic building on the lot, for eventual development into a park.
The $6.84 million acquisition from the Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS) includes a heritage building that now houses the Musée Armand Frappier.
A retirement residence for senior citizens is expected to be built in a corner of the lot near 58th Ave.
“This magnificent lot on the edge of the waterfront is located near the downtown and has inestimable value we think,” Mayor Marc Demers said in a statement.
“This purchase, which is about the size of 17 NHL rinks, shows once again our determination to turn Laval into a green and welcoming city, working towards developing our urban fabric along sustainable lines,” he added.