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STL president upbeat about federal infrastructure funding

(TLN) The Société de Transport de Laval (STL) says it is pleased with measures contained in the Infrastructure and Investment Plan announced last week by Federal Minister of Finance Bill Morneau.

“The investments announced in the budget are a significant step forward to ensuring the long-term financial planning of public transit,” the STL said in a statement. The STL said it wished to highlight some of the priority projects taking place in its area of service.

Sustainability ensured

“The creation of the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund is a step forward to ensuring the short term sustainability of the equipment and services that we already have in place,” said David De Cotis, president of the STL’s board of directors and vice-president of the City of Laval’s executive committee.

He said that as a part of the $924 million dedicated to Quebec over a three-year period, the STL plans to consolidate the financing required to acquire new buses, build new storage and maintenance infrastructures for vehicles and pursue the development of preferential bus measures (PBM).

An opportunity for Laval

In addition, the STL believes that the second phase of the Infrastructure Plan’s $48 billion investment, which will be rolled out as of 2018, represents a major opportunity for Laval and, more globally, for the Montreal Metropolitan Community, to implement a long term vision for the development of the Metro system and the finalization of the blue line.

“Our intention is to offer the citizens of Laval transportation solutions that meet our goal of encouraging sustainable mobility throughout our service area,” added De Cotis.

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