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Spectacular fire and explosion on westbound (Metropolitan) causes 1 death and multiple injuries

Yesterday afternoon traffic came to a standstill when a tanker truck which was carrying flammable liquids caught fire and exploded on the Metropolitan (west-bound), near Lajeuness. It took over 100 firefighters to control the fire, and mostly using foam to distinguish it. Depending on the extent of the damage which was caused by the fire, this will depend how long the overpass will remain closed to the public. Witnesses from the scene said at least 4 other vehicles had been involved in the accident.

Because of the accident, many of the side streets were a nightmare as motorists tried to find alternate routes to get to their destinations.  The Surete de Quebec has confirmed that the man who died was the truck driver and he was in his 40’s.  In the city of Chambly which happens to be about 30 kilometers away, black smoke could be seen rising into the Montreal sky..


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