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Quick response helped contain COVID-19 at Boisé Notre Dame, says CISSS de Laval

While testing for COVID-19 infection continues on a weekly basis at the Boisé Notre Dame, the CISSS de Laval said on Friday that the toll from a recent outbreak of the virus at the seniors’ retirement complex stood at only 10 people infected, out of which there was only one fatality.

An outbreak of the virus at the sprawling retirement community on Notre Dame Blvd. in early August led management to impose stricter enforcement of sanitary and distancing requirements.

Thousands of retirees live at the Boisé Notre Dame’s sprawling campus where there are a half-dozen or so multi-storey apartment towers.

An asymptomatic employee is believed to have been the source of the outbreak. The CISSS said that systematic procedures for tracking and safeguarding against COVID-19 led them to the source.

“It is important to note that as soon as we were made aware of this outbreak, our team for the protection against and control of infections (PCI) decided to proceed with a sytematic tracking of all people who had come into contact with the employee infected with COVID,” Judith Goudreau, a CISSS de Laval spokesperson, said on Friday.

Goudreau provided the following summary of the outbreak at Boisé Notre Dame which began on Aug. 8:

  • 10 total number infected;
  • 3 employees infected;
  • 6 residents hospitalized;
  • 1 fatality.


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