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Polls, Politics and Power Dictate Policies

Newsfirst Multimedia editorialist and political columnist Robert Vairo.

I suppose we should not be surprised that our federal government tolerates, perhaps condones scandalous intrusions in the life of Canadian citizens in Québec.

After all, most would agree this is a lame and limp bunch
of leaders who feel quite comfortable with
the Québec government’s legal seizure of
computers and cell phones in our English
universities. And now imposing a French
language requirement on visiting English
university students.

Most in our community are convinced it’s an attempt to destroy the
English infrastructure in the province. The
Feds are busy calling for, well let’s see, first, the
Israeli right to defend itself, then a ceasefire
in the Middle East. All the while capping oil
and gas production, taxing burping cattle, and
bashing Conservative-led Alberta. These are
all desperate attempts at diverting Canadians’
attention away from the incompetence and
mismanagement of just about every thing the
government touches.

Québec though, is the sacred cow of the
Liberal party of Canada. The action of Premier
Legault’s CAQ, and inaction of the Trudeau
Liberals, is a nightmare, enough to make one
ill. All of Canada suffers when elected bigots in
Québec tell English international students not
to come here. Ironically, the reason Legault is
firing all his cannons at the English population
is because he is in a free fall in the polls.

And the reason the Trudeau Liberals are refusing to
intervene is because they are in a similar catastrophic slide to oblivion, for now. Canada’s
Federal Government is made to lead, and it is
not. Its mandate is to instill unity where there
is division, and it has not. It is mandated to
seek justice, and act when there is a flagrant
violation of rights of Canadian citizens living
in Québec. It has not.

We have a government that has mismanaged our economy, immigration, housing,
and failed miserably to intervene to right the
wrong in this country, including terrorism
within our borders. What a sad, frankly revolting state of affairs.

Yet here we are with puffed out chests
preaching to Italy that “Canada is concerned
about their LGBT rights,” evangelizing to
Israel, our environment minister telling China
to clean up and shut down its coal mines.
Why is Canada sermonizing other countries
on what they should or should not be doing?
Would we not be at least a bit credible if were
to get our own house in order before throwing
Help our Military
What deserves attention and should be
remedied is the fact that members of our
armed forces are having to ask for donations
so they can afford housing for their families.
This is so shameful. Budget cuts to our Armed
Forces are so severe (one billion dollars) that
the country’s Chief of Defence Staff Wayne
Eyre told a government committee that
Canada cannot help improve “the declining
security situation around the world.”

Limping Canadian Economy
Why is our economy limping along while
that of the US and Europe is flourishing? For
example, the US GDP (gross domestic product) is expected to grow almost 5% this year,
while Canada’s will grow by 0.9%. Economists
point to an overabundance of immigration,
putting stress not only on health care, and
housing, and employment, but Canada’s overall economic production. We now have a lower
standard of living. Even newly arrived immigrants, and permanent status individuals, are
leaving because they cannot afford to live in
this once great country.

Accept Canada’s values and

It’s so nice to hear our leaders praise the
virtues of diversity as being our strength, but
these same leaders should be held accountable
for the results. And right now, the results of
diversity in Canada are ugly and brutal. No
one is in charge.

Critics of our federal government’s open door policy (allowing legal and illegal
newcomers into the country), say no one told
these same individuals that if they come to
Canada, they must respect and live by their
adopted country’s values and principles.
That’s exactly what a recent Leger poll says
Canadians are demanding from our federal
leaders. It perhaps explains why a war thousands of miles away is having such a terrifying
impact on our communities. Most Canadians
told Leger pollsters that government and
other institutions “should do more to encourage newcomers to Canada to embrace the
Canadian values of tolerance of people of
other faiths, races, and orientations.” Amen.

Homeless in Canada
Statistics are staggering. Financial challenges
are said to be the leading cause of homelessness. That may be so, but addiction to opioids
is the cause of more daily deaths in Canada
than Covid. Ontario, Québec and BC take
the lead, with 8 people dying in BC alone,
every day. There have been close to 13 thousand since 2016. It has prompted BC’s chief
coroner Lisa Lapointe to resign “frustrated
and disappointed.”

She began providing monthly updates,
(similar to Covid deaths) to bring awareness
to the situation but never got the response
or commitment from governments for help.

Ask organizers of Christmas dinners for the
underprivileged and homeless. Attendance
is reportedly down from several years ago
because of fentanyl deaths. The figures have
been propped up by a record wave of people
losing their homes and unable to afford living.

It’s not a vote-getter for politicians, so we are
just letting Canadians die on the streets or in
their beds, if they have one.

Merry Christmas Dear Nurse
One last item. Who do you remember most
when leaving a hospital? Your nurse. God bless
our nurses who are missing time with their
loved ones, so we can share Christmas with
ours. Merry Christmas

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