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Play Ball! The ‘Boys of Summer’ are back for another season

Play Ball! The ‘Boys of Summer’ are back for another season
Players, management and supporters of Baseball Laval and the Pirates 440 Chevrolet de Laval gathered at 440 Chevrolet de Laval on May 2 to announce the loaded roster of baseball programs and activities the two associations are promoting this coming summer.
Martin C. Barry

For the third year in a row, the Pirates 440 Chevrolet de Laval and the Laval Regional Amateur Baseball Association – better known to fans as Baseball Laval – have announced their rosters of activities and events for the coming summer and fall.

For a fifth year, the number of baseball players who have registered with the organization has risen. “It is with great pride that I can tell you that we have had more than 900 registrations for the 2018 season,” Baseball Laval vice-president Maxime Faille said on May 2 during a season-opening press conference held at 440 Chevrolet de Laval. In contrast, last year there were 860 registrations.

Season opens May 19-20-21

In keeping with a longstanding tradition at Baseball Laval, the 2018 baseball season will open for the A and B minor divisions at Laval’s Centre de la Nature on the three-day long weekend of May 19, 20 and 21. According to Faille, the Club de baseball de Laval-Est will once again host the event. “All our teams should play a game on this opening weekend,” he said. “In addition, a match between the two Moustique AA will be on the program that weekend.”

Girls’ baseball on the rise

On May 13, which was Mother’s Day, the Associés held their increasingly popular Baseball Pink Day. For this very special occasion, players on the Associés team wore pink jerseys during their five matches which took place at Laval’s Chénier Park.

With regards to girls’ baseball, Maxime Faille made another important announcement. “We are very happy to announce that girls’ baseball is expanding in Laval,” he said. “In effect, we will have at least one additional girls’ team this year, meaning that there will be five teams made up entirely of girls. It’s in the Atom, Mosquito, Pee Wee and Midget divisions where you will find these teams made up of players coming from all the associations in Laval.”

Girls’ baseball championship

According to Faille, this summer Baseball Laval will be hosting the girls’ provincial baseball championships. Championships in four categories, that is Moustique, Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget, will be taking place simultaneously from July 19 to 21 on the Association sportive de Laval-Nord’s sports event fields.

“I would like to underline the outstanding work by the organizing committee for all their efforts in order to put into place all the elements necessary to make the girls’ provincial baseball championships in Laval a great event,” added Faille.

On June 15, the Pirates 440 Chevrolet de Laval will be holding their Soirée Laval at the ball stadium in Paul-Marcel Maheu Park. At that time, the Pirates will be welcoming all the amateur baseball players and supporters in Laval.

Baseball clinic offered

On May 26, the Pirates 440 Chevrolet de Laval will be holding a baseball clinic aimed at improving the skills of ball players from all associations in Laval. This event will also be taking place at Paul-Marcel Maheu Park. Last year, more than 150 youths took part in the baseball clinic.

Although the season’s end is still far off, that will happen on Oct. 13 when Baseball Laval will hold its traditional season closer – the 440 Chevrolet de Laval Gala. As Baseball Laval’s vice-president put it, “the gala will offer an opportunity to honour all the players, coaches, teams, match officials and baseball volunteers in Laval who distinguish themselves the most over the course of the coming season.”

Adapted baseball program

For a fourth season, Baseball Laval’s adapted baseball program will be back. The program for challenged youths aged 5 to 21 years is especially designed for those with an interest in baseball, but who have physical or other types of limitation that prevent them from otherwise participating.

Each player must be accompanied by a “helper” who can be a friend or a parent. Each player is expected to have their own baseball glove. The program’s season runs from June 1 to Sept. 28 at Parc Chopin. Registration is $45 per player.

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