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Laval workers and retirees donate more than $371,000 to Centraide

New record for donations set, despite setback from pandemic

A group representing employees and retirees of the City of Laval presented a “virtual” cheque for $371,577.66 to officials with Centraide Montreal last week at the closing of the social services fundraising agency’s latest campaign.

Virtual presentation

The amount represented the total donations made by employees, retirees and elected officials with the City of Laval this year. The presentation was made through a webcast, with campaign ambassadors, Laval mayor Marc Demers and Centraide du Grand Montréal vice-president for philanthropic development Yannick Elliott attending.

“The community organizations at the heart of our neighbourhoods are indispensable resources to provide support to the most vulnerable among us,” said Laval mayor Marc Demers. “I am proud of the great generosity that the employees have once again shown in order to allow these organizations to fulfill their mission completely.”

Success despite pandemic

Honorary co-presidents Stéphane Boyer, who is vice-president of the Laval executive-committee, and Clément Bilodeau, associate executive-director of development at Centraide Montreal, noted the great efforts campaign workers had to make during these uncertain times. Even so, the campaign was successful, they said.

The City of Laval’s employees and retirees have been donating to Centraide Montreal since 1998. Each year, according to the city, more than 25 organizations in Laval receive support from Centraide to help them complete their missions.

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