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Laval’s mayor meets officials from new CAQ government

Laval’s mayor meets officials from new CAQ government
From the left, Sainte-Rose CAQ MNA Christopher Skeete, Quebec Finance Minister Éric Girard who is also Minister Responsible for Laval, Laval mayor Marc Demers, Duvernay-Pont-Viau city councillor Stéphane Boyer who is also vice-president of the Laval executive-committee, Marc-Aurèle-Fortin city councillor Gilbert Dumas, Chantal Rouleau, Minister Delegated for Transport and Minister Responsible for the Metropolitan Montreal region, are seen here during a ceremony to sign the City of Laval’s Golden Book.

(TLN) Laval mayor Marc Demers had the opportunity recently to meet face-to-face with Minister Delegated for Transport Chantal Rouleau, as well as Minister of Finance and Minister for the Metropolitan Region Éric Girard and Sainte-Rose MNA Christopher Skeete.

Accompanied by Duvernay-Pont Viau city councillor and executive-committee vice-president Stéphane Boyer, and Marc-Aurèle-Fortin city councillor Gilbert Dumas who oversees mass transit issues in the region, the officials discussed the priorities for Laval with regards to transportation, as well as the financing of sports and cultural activities infrastructures in Laval.

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