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Laval City Watch – May 28, 2016

Disaster assistance for Fort McMurray victims

The mayor of Laval, Marc Demers, communicated with the President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Raymond Louie on May 5th 2016, to encourage the mobilization of aid from Canadian municipalities for the victims of the Fort McMurray wild forest fires.

“I believe that as members of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, we must back up our talk with concrete gestures and provide financial support for these victims, residents of this immense disaster. I hope that our effort resonates with all of my elected colleagues of Canada,” wrote Mayor Demers to the FCM president in a gesture of solidarity on behalf of his Albertan counterparts.

The Mayor of Laval has responded to the call for the solidarity of the Union of Quebec Municipalities by asking the executive committee to donate $ 10,000 to the Canadian Red Cross.Mayor Demers believes that if this gift is matched by other Canadian cities it will grow to provide a significant contribution to the Canadian Red Cross relief efforts.

Fight against climate change

In 2013, the City of Laval and the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight against Climate Change (MDDELCC) signed an agreement to help achieve three objectives in the Municipalities Climate Change Program. The first intention of the program was to measure and update the volume of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on Laval’s territory which was approved by the MDDELCC in April 2015. The plan to address the reduction of GHGs received approval in July 2015. Finally Laval’s plan of action to transition to a low carbon emission world has received approval from the Ministry in March 2016.

Laval is one of five Quebec cities to have provided such a plan. The Executive Committee therefore authorized the Environmental Service to submit the third and final report to the MDDELCC in order to receive the subsidies that the government has earmarked for municipalities taking such initiatives.

According to the Government of Québec the fight against climate change is a fundamental and top priority issue for Québec’s future. With income derived mainly from the carbon market, the Government of Québec supports companies, Québec municipalities and private citizens in the transition to a low carbon world. By 2020, Québec will have invested more than 3.3 billion dollars to implement the measures set out in the 2013-2020 Climate Change Action Plans, measures that will enable the reduction of GHG emissions and allow a better adaption to the consequences of climate change.

It is believed that these measures call upon innovative solutions from scientists and entrepreneurs and open the door to developing Québec expertise in cutting-edge niche markets that will enable Québec to accelerate its shift to a sustainable economy. The fight against climate change is also a promising pathway towards developing an economy that is both robust and low carbon able to generate more energy from low-carbon sources like solar, wind and nuclear power.

Program courses and activities at the outdoor pools

The Executive Committee authorized the Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport and Social Development to retain the services of the organization Mouvement Aquatique Laval. This organization created in 1975 is dedicated to the promotion of aquatic activities throughout Laval. Swimming lessons and water sports activities are offered in collaboration with many partners including the City of Laval, aquatic sports clubs and recreational committees.

The services that have been contracted are for the coordination and implementation of municipal aquatic programs in the city’s outdoor swimming pools for the summer period of 2016. The administration has agreed to compensate the organization a sum of $73,500 which also covers the costs of advanced and specialized training.

Financial assistance to the project Rendezvous of elders

On March 19th 2015 an agreement was signed between the Centre Communautaire Le Rendez-vous des ainés (Seniors Community Centre Le Rendezvous) and the Local Development Centre (CLD) of Laval which provided the association a grant of $ 50,000 for their services and activities. An initial payment of $ 30,000 was funded in March 2015. As the CLD activities are now transferred to the City of Laval, the Executive Committee agreed to provide the balance of funding of $ 20,000 to the Community Centre Le Rendez-vous des ainés. The monies will be disbursed from the Social Economy Fund operational budget of the city in 2016.

The goal of this association is to provide seniors a place of  belonging to combat solitude, develop mutual support and empower people aged 50 and over Laval.

Financial assistance to the Laval Meals on Wheels Association

Following the integration of UNCCD activities of Laval in the Economic Development Department, the Executive Committee members have provided funding of $ 1,000 to the Laval Meals on Wheels Association to extend strategic support for the coordination of the services. Laval is served by eight different Meals on Wheels providers with well-defined territories. They are all members of the “Laval Meals on Wheels Association” and conform to uniform guidelines and directions.

These organizations provide hot meals delivered at individual homes between 10h45 and 12h45, from Monday to Friday. The average cost for a meal stands between $5, 00 and $6, 00. It includes a soup, a main dish, prepared without excessive amounts of salt and fat, and a dessert.

Any Laval resident with autonomy loss, with no regards to his or her age or salary can benefit from this service. Examples of eligible users include: a person with cognitive troubles; a care giver; a person recovering from a recent surgery and any person with physical incapacities (tiredness, pain, and handicap).

Disposing of hazardous waste

A contract was awarded to Enviro PB Inc. for the transportation, packaging, recovery and or disposal of the material ‘collasse’ a key binding component used for the paving and asphalting of roads. This material is considered a hazardous material and must be disposed of professionally.

The administration is also holding its annual spring collection of household hazardous waste (HHW). The spring collection is held this Saturday May 28th from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm on the city hall grounds. The collection of household hazardous waste is for Laval residents only and requires proof of residency. Companies and entrepreneurs are not admitted.

The following examples are all materials accepted by Laval during the collection of hazardous household waste; acids, aerosol containers, compact fluorescent lamps, propane cylinders, ink cartridges and glue, paint thinners and solvents, engine oil and oil filters as well as computer hardware, small electronic appliances, batteries, tires and even cellular phones and televisions. The following waste materials are not accepted: ammunition, syringes and other biomedical waste.

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