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Laval City Watch April 2018

City Watch

Hôtel de ville de Laval, au 1 Place du Souvenir, Laval, Québec, Canada.

A pilot project with Quebec’s Department of Health and Social Services to control ragweed

The executive committee approved an agreement between the City of Laval and the Ministry of Health and Social Services concerning a pilot project for the control of ragweed in the residential areas of Sainte-Rose, Vimont and Auteuil. Financial assistance in the amount of $61,092.50 comes from the Green Fund of the Government of Quebec’s 2013-2020 Action Plan on Climate Change and covers 75% of project expenses. This pilot project will be implemented this summer and involves inspecting vacant lots in targeted areas to inventory the presence of ragweed and test modified mowing practices. Pollen measurements will be taken daily upstream and downstream of the project areas to assess the effectiveness of the measures employed.

5th edition of Laval Earth Week

The city of Laval will promote various environmental activities as part of Laval Earth Week from April 16th to 22th in partnership with various associations in the community. A plethora of planned activities include a guided tour of the Sainte-Rose water treatment plant, the Grand Spring Cleanup, a used bicycle collection and an afternoon of poetry on the theme of rivers. A day dedicated to celebrating natural milieus will also be presented.

Also, on April 22nd a mobile waste collection (ecocentre) will be located at 1333 Chomedey Blvd. for the collection of hazardous household waste, electronic equipment as well as compostable waste. The City of Laval will have its first own permanent ecocentre in 2019, which is budgeted for in the 2019-2020 Three-Year Capital Works Program. In the meantime, the City is giving citizens the opportunity to bring their household waste that is not eligible for the regular trash to the mobile ecocentre which is set up at different locations on pre-set dates throughout the year. To find out the dates and locations of upcoming mobile collections consult the event page in the activities calendar of Laval’s web site.

Contract with Harpagon Theater

The Executive Committee approved a service agreement contract with Harpagon Theater for the operation of the Open-Air Theater program for 2018. This program showcases emerging professional artists in a production created to be diffused in an outdoor environment during summer. The program goal is to produce a new show annually that will be presented at the Nature Center its first year of production. The following summer the theatrical presentation will go on tour to diverse municipal parks of Laval. The productions are intended for young audiences and families and this format promotes accessibility to cultural spectacles free of charge. The city is financing the group in the amount of $108,297.25 (including taxes).

New Guidelines for Immigration and Cultural Diversity

The City of Laval will develop a policy paper on Immigration and Cultural Diversity. This project is part of Laval’s Strategic Vision for 2035 and will provide the municipality with a tool to help manage the integration of immigrants and the emerging cultural plurality. Given the evolution of Laval’s socio-demographic characteristics over the last twenty years, illustrated by a growing increase in the immigrant population (an increase of 84.1% between 2001 and 2011 and a proportion of 28.5% of the total population in 2016), Laval wishes to emphasize its role from a perspective of a welcoming city for immigration. The emphasis will center on two areas: the development of a document that will define the values, main principles and regional orientations for immigration and cultural diversity and the development and definition of a policy statement to guide the delivery and adaptation of municipal services to newly arrived citizens.

Contribution Agreement

On October 27th, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Honorable Mélanie Joly, informed Ville de Laval that she approved, under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund, a contribution of $ 2,700,000 for the realization of the relocation project of the Armand-Frappier Biosciences Interpretation Center. Under section 3.11 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (chapter M-30) of Quebec, it is necessary to obtain the authorization of the Québec government in order to enter into a contribution agreement with a department of the federal government. To this end, the City of Laval has obtained an order from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy to finalize the contribution agreement with the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Laval host of the 42nd edition of the AQAIRS Development Session

From May 28th to 31st 2019 Laval will host the 42nd edition of the development session of the Quebec Association of arenas, recreational and sports facilities (AQAIRS). This group of professionals include managers of recreational and sports facilities and sports club and includes nearly 400 members across the province of Quebec. Some 250 delegates from all regions of Quebec are expected to take part in the event. Members of AQAIRS provide leasing expertise and technical support for recreational and sports facilities in Quebec. The functions of this association are complementary to other networks recognized in Quebec such as AQLM (which operate in municipal recreation) and ARAQ (responsible for aquatic facilities).

Daniel Hébert to represent Laval in the Alliance of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Citiesc

At its meeting of March 21st 2018 Laval’s executive committee approved its inclusion in the Alliance of the Cities of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. According to its by-laws only members or their authorized representatives may participate in the voting procedure at the Annual General Meeting therefore Daniel Hébert, Marigot District Councilor, has been appointed to represent interests of Laval.

The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative is working actively with states, provinces, federal governments, First Nations, industries and organizations for the long-term protection and restoration of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence watershed includes Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, as well as the St. Lawrence River and related bodies of water such as Lake of Two Mountains and the Rivières des Mille Îles et Prairies.

Seven Laval citizens appointed to the Environmental Advisory Committee

The executive committee has named the seven Laval citizens who will sit on the Environmental Advisory Committee (Comité consultatif en environnement (CCE)). They include: Jean Lavoie, Elsa Dufresnes-Arbique, Réjean Gravel, Patrice Desrochers, Fatiha Bensadia, Sophie Blanchet-Vaugeois and Julie Vespoli.

Members of the CCE will analyze at the requests of the executive committee or the Environmental Service issues related to environment and to give their opinion. The Committee is chaired by Virginie Dufour, member of the executive committee, Sainte-Rose municipal councilor and environmental affairs officer. Aram Elagoz, District Councilor of Renaud also sits as an elected member.

  ENAP collaborates with the Fire Department

The Fire Security Service conducts promotion examinations for the ranks of Lieutenant, Captains and Officers in the Prevention Division every even calendar year. Since the promotion process include an assessment of administrative skills, the City of Laval has reached an agreement with the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). According to the terms of this agreement, ENAP will assist in the development of tools adapted to the needs unionized managers of the Fire Safety Service as well as aiding during the promotion processes. An ENAP professional will be part of the selection committee during the final interviews.

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