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Laval City-Watch

Laval adopts new ‘zero waste’ policy for residuals recycling

Laval city council recently a new five-year strategy for the management of its residual waste, establishing the city’s policy to achieve “zero waste” by the year 2035.

“This strategy is part of a process for change that was initiated with the Laval 2035 plan, which aims to develop Laval into a big city for the 21st century,” says Mayor Marc Demers.

Glimpse of the future

“It invites us to look forward into the future and to glimpse larger share of environmental responsibility taken by the community, out of a desire to live in a healthy environment as well as one that favours social economy,” said Mayor Marc Demers.

The new policy ‘invites us to look forward into the future and to glimpse larger share of environmental responsibility taken by the community,’ says Mayor Marc Demers

The city’s new strategy is in line with provincial objectives for managing residual waste. The strategy rests on an ambitious vision that revolves around five principal axes, which break down futher into 21 measures to be taken and to be followed. Here are a few of them:

Assurer une offre en écocentres desservant l’ensemble des citoyens et petites industries, commerces et institutions (ICI).

City to acquire wooded lots

During meetings held on March 3 and 10, the City of Laval’s executive-committee decided to approve the acquisition of several wooded lots in various areas of Laval for conservation as nature preserves.

The executive-committee members authorized the purchase by the city of lots equivalent in size to three tennis courts placed side-by-side (0.18 hectare), thus increasing the amount of wetland in Laval set aside for conservation.

Strategic purchases

According to the city, the lots in question (known as the Bois Sainte-Dorothée, the Bois d’Auteuil and the Bois de la Source) are located in zones defined as ecologically-significant by the province.

The city says that based on a municipal plan for conserving and improving natural areas, the purchase of the Bois Sainte-Dorothée will help strengthen the natural aspects of the identified area, while the acquisition of the Bois d’Auteuil will help consolidate the ecological corridor along the Mille-Îles River.

As for the portion of territory acquired in the Bois de la Source, it will serve as the location for a pathway, says the city.

The City of Laval’s executive-committee meets regularly to make decisions on a variety of issues. The executive-committee includes the following people: Mayor Marc Demers, vice-president Stéphane Boyer (also councillor for Duvernay–Pont-Viau) councillors Sandra Desmeules (Concorde–Bois-de-Boulogne), Ray Khalil (Sainte-Dorothée), Virginie Dufour (Sainte-Rose) and associate members Nicholas Borne (Laval-les-Îles) and Yannick Langlois (L’Orée-des-Bois).

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