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Laval City Hall Watch – July 6 2016

Laval City Hall Watch - July 6 2016


Young Promoters Fund

The Young Promoters Fund, (FJP), aims to help young entrepreneurs to take over a business, to create or acquire one, and to support them in their entrepreneurial aspirations. Members of the executive committee have authorized financial assistance totaling $ 68,000 to be distributed among 16 individuals. The ultimate goal is to stimulate the growth of local entrepreneurship and emerging economic sectors. By promoting the creation of new enterprises focused on the distinctive strengths of the local economic it is hoped that new opportunities can be developed in our area which will attract and retain a skilled workforce.

 Land exchange 

The executive committee has come to agreement for the exchange of land required for the development of a park. This will allow the city to save the complete cost of the purchase of land for the implementation of a park in conjunction with the project PL-2012/5084 which is part of the construction of the new Avenir School in the district of St. Martin. This exchange of lots completed the agreement negotiated with the Laval School Board. July 17 2015 the city had ceded land to the Laval School Board in their project to expand the Oree-des-Bois School

Purchase of water overflow measuring devices

The municipal regulations governing domestic waterworks and waste water runoff require all overflow structures to be equipped with overflow recorders. The overflow structures protect against flooding during periods of excessive water accumulations and backlogs. These devices allow for the recording of the frequency of overflows, the time at which they occur and their daily cumulative duration. This information at the same time helps to determine the volume of untreated waste water that flows back into the natural environment and also helps identify areas that may require expanded facilities for the management of waste water flow in the city water works and storm drain systems.

The Executive Committee therefore agreed to proceed with the purchase of these devices via a public tender as well as the professional services for their deployment, operation and the professional services of consulting engineers for oversights required during construction.

 Land Acquisition for the purpose of developing green spaces

The executive committee accepted an offer to purchase a riverfront lot located southeast of riviera street near a large park area on the la berge du Grand-Brochet (Grand Pike River Bank). The negotiated purchase price was in the amount of $`18,000.

This investment is part of the land acquisition program for the protection and improvement of green spaces for which the administration has approved a budget of $4.2 million in the 2016-2018 three year capital infrastructure development program.

The Chomedey Arena to be renamed the Pierre Creamer Arena

The executive committee had approved a recommendation that was to be presented to the city council for ratification to change the name of the Chomedey Arena to Pierre Creamer arena. City council accepted the recommendation during the regular June 7th council meeting. Pierre Creamer was named to the Laval Sports Hall of Fame in 2013 for his implications in hockey which went beyond the borders of Laval.

Pierre Creamer (born July 6, 1944) is a former hockey coach. He was head coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins during the 1987-1988 NHL season. Creamer who was born in Chomedey is also the brother-in-law of former NHL star Mike Bossy who has also been honored in similar fashion by Laval.

Creamer previously coached the Sherbrooke Canadians, the American Hockey League affiliate of the Montreal Canadiens. He led the team to a Calder Cup championship in his first year behind the bench and ended his three-year tenure with a 120-104-4 record. Creamer had also held a job as coach of the Verdun Juniors of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League.

Speed limit signalization modified around certain parks

The executive committee has asked for the review of the signalization of speed limits around parks and school parks that have recently been modified with the addition of new playground modules. As some of these installations are new the public works department has been asked to review existing road signs around the following schools and municipal parks to ensure that adequate warning of the revised speed limit in these zones is provided. The parks and schools involved in the review include Madeleine and Twin-Oaks, Durocher, Olier-Payette, Mont-Royal, Calvi, Ivan-Pavlov, J.-M.-Daigneault, l’Odyssée-des-jeunes, des Choucas, Parenteau, Ferme-Ste-Thérèse, Gilbert, Émile-Zola et Cœur-Soleil.

New chalet for Saint Norbert Park

The park chalet at Park St. Norbert is outdated and in poor condition. The executive committee has approved to demolish it and build a new one at the same location. Funds for this project are budgeted in the 2016-2018 three-year capital infrastructure expenditure program. The Executive Committee members have adopted a resolution to approve the solicitation of bids by public tender for the realization of this project.

Social Housing Symposium

Members of the executive committee have awarded a grant of $ 7,000 to the Association coopérative d’économie de l’Île Jésus (local cooperative association) for the organization of a symposium on social housing in Laval which will be held October 13, 2016. Many social services and housing assistance organizations have decried the lack of affordable housing in Laval. Despite the obvious economic development witnessed in Laval the need for social housing has grown and that the immediate needs call for the construction of an additional thousand social housing units.

Overhaul of dog parks Lausanne and des Rossignols

As part of the redevelopment and renovation of the dog park des Rossignols and Lausanne, located on the properties of the Hydro Quebec transmission lines, the city needed to obtain formal permission from Hydro Quebec for their development and land use. The permissions have been obtained and the first hurdle overcome the executive committee has endorsed the preliminary plans prerequisite for executing the renovations and infrastructure work.




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