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Important message concerning the newspaper distribution

After 30 years, THE LAVAL NEWS has ended its door-to-door distribution.

The February 21st, 2024 edition of THE LAVAL NEWS was the last issue delivered door to door by PUBLIC SAC. Since our first edition in 1993, THE LAVAL NEWS entrusted PUBLIC SAC with the mandate to deliver our paper, your paper, to your door. On that note, we thank all the workers who were behind and in front of the scenes that made the distribution of your newspaper possible.

However, on March 4th, 2024, PUBLIC SAC ceased its door-to-door distributing service due to changes in municipal by-laws in Montreal and other cities in Quebec. It’s an effort to reduce, at the source, a significant amount of paper and plastic in circulation in cities across Quebec. This leaves us with no cost-effective way to distribute our newspaper.

Therefore, as of March 6th, you can pick up THE LAVAL NEWS throughout the city at many selected local distribution points, such as public buildings, grocery stores, pharmacies, bakeries, etc.

Below, you will find the list of distribution points. Thank you for your loyal readership. We will continue to keep you informed and entertained.

Points de distribution / Distribution points

H7A600 Montée du MoulinJean Coutu
H7A600 Montée du MoulinRONA
H7A8075 Blvd. Lévesque EUltra Depanneur
H7C4411 Blvd. de la Concorde EIGA
H7C4425 Blvd. de la Concorde EJean Coutu
H7E2900 Blvd. de la Concorde EGermaine-Guèvremont Library
H7E3200 Blvd. de la Concorde EMetro Plus
H7E3595 Blvd. de la Concorde EIntermarché Palumbo
H7E4975 Blvd. Robert-BourassaCanadian Tire
H7E5805 Blvd. Robert-BourassaIGA
H7E2495 Blvd. Saint-Martin EPatisserie St Martin
H7E3245 Blvd. Saint-Martin EVilla Val Des Arbres
H7G155 Blvd. de la Concorde EMetro Plus
H7G300 Blvd. de la Concorde EPolyclinique Médicale
H7G405 Blvd. des LaurentidesJean Coutu
H7G1610 Blvd. Saint-Martin EChartrand Ford Inc
H7K134 Blvd. Bellerose EEuro Marché
H7K5000 Blvd. des LaurentidesMetro Plus
H7K5680 Blvd. des LaurentidesIGA
H7L180 Blvd. Curé-LabelleJean Coutu
H7L380 Blvd. Curé-LabelleIGA
H7L1207 Blvd. Curé-LabelleMetro Plus
H7L173 Blvd. Sainte-RoseUniprix
H7M1640 A. Jean-Noël-Lavoie ESubaru de Laval
H7M1755 Blvd. René-LaennecCité-de-la-Santé Hospital
H7M1859 Blvd. René-LaennecJean Coutu
H7M1759 Blvd. des LaurentidesUniprix
H7M1904 Blvd. des LaurentidesSuper C
H7M255 Blvd. Saint-Martin EVimont Toyota Laval
H7M700 Blvd. Saint-Martin EHonda De Laval
H7N475 Blvd. de l’AvenirSalle André-Mathieu
H7N1100 Blvd. de l’AvenirMetro Plus Dépatie
H7N1455 Blvd. de l’AvenirRésidences Soleil Manoir
H7N279-B Blvd. Cartier OUniprix
H7N307 Blvd. Cartier OIGA
H7N430 Blvd. Cartier OProxim
H7N255 Blvd. de la Concorde OJean Coutu
H7N255 Blvd. de la Concorde OIntermarché Palumbo
H7N1295 Blvd. de la Concorde OJean Coutu
H7N1315 Blvd. de la Concorde OUniprix
H7N1395 Blvd. de la Concorde OMaison des arts de Laval
H7N1950 Rue Claude-GagnéPlace Bell
H7P3699 Autoroute 440 OColfax
H7P4355 Autoroute 440 OGuimond Sports Complex
H7P3095 A. Jean-Noël-LavoieCarrefour Multisports
H7P3131 A. Jean-Noël-Lavoie 440 OMercedes-Benz Laval
H7P2705 Blvd. Chomedey440 Lincoln Laval
H7P2800 Blvd. ChomedeyCadillac Laval
H7P2805 Blvd. ChomedeyCHSLD de Laval
H7P2911 Blvd. ChomedeyService de police de Laval
H7P3230 Blvd. Curé-LabelleAgoo
H7P3505 Blvd. Dagenais OGabrielle-Roy Library
H7P3270 Blvd. St-Elzear ORésidence Estia
H7R4515 Blvd. Arthur-SauvéJean Coutu
H7R6155 Blvd. Arthur-SauvéMetro Plus
H7R3875 Blvd. Sainte-RoseDepanneur Wilson
H7S1700 Blvd. le CorbusierDuclos Laval Chrysler
H7S2250 Av. Francis-HughesSTL
H7S1446 Blvd. Saint-Martin OSt. Martin Oasis
H7T3500 A. Jean-Noël-LavoieDesmeules Chrysler
H7T3670 A. Jean-Noël-Lavoie O440 Laval Chevrolet
H7T2150 Autoroute LaurentianCosmodôme
H7T3300 Blvd. le CarrefourGroupe Sélection
H7T1700 Blvd. ChomedeyLallier Kia de Laval
H7T2200 Blvd. ChomedeyMazda de Laval
H7T2385 Blvd. ChomedeyChomedey Toyota Laval
H7T2450 Blvd. ChomedeyBMW Laval
H7T2137 Blvd. Curé-LabelleIGA
H7T1794 Av. Pierre-PéladeauPresse Café
H7T3131 Blvd. Saint-Martin OVille De Laval
H7T3208 Blvd. Saint-Martin ODéjeuner Cosmopolitain
H7T3216 Blvd. Saint-Martin OMarchés Tau
H7T4363 Blvd. Saint-Martin OPharmacy Liounis
H7V3205 Place Alton-GoldbloomJewish Hospital
H7V1 Place de la Belle-Rive (#7)Le Domaine Bellerive
H7V5 Place de la Belle-RiveAppartements Bellerive 3
H7V505 Rue CardinalResidence Le Renoir
H7V800 Blvd. Chomedey (Tour B, 2nd Floor)CLSC Ruisseau-Papineau
H7V1333 Blvd. ChomedeyLaval Administration
H7V1400 Blvd. ChomedeyJardins de Renoir
H7V1535 Blvd. ChomedeyMulticulturelle Library
H7V435 Blvd. Curé-Labelle SAxion 50 plus
H7V610 Blvd. Curé-LabelleJean Coutu
H7V2999 Blvd. Notre DameCHSLD Résidence Riviera
H7V3055 Blvd. Notre Dame (#109)Boisé Notre-Dame
H7V1450 Pie X (Suite 214)CDC Laval
H7W1013 Autoroute 13Tennis 13 Fitness
H7W5400 Av. ClarendonDepanneur Bleue
H7W1665 Rue du CouventCLSC Ruisseau-Papineau
H7W25 Promenade des ÎlesVillagia De L’ile Paton
H7W4311 Blvd. Notre DameMarché Bamyan
H7W4325 Blvd. Notre DameTabagie Elite
H7W4331 Blvd. Notre DameLillies Bakery
H7W4349 Blvd. Notre DameUniprix
H7W4919 Blvd. Notre DameVie en vert Supermarket
H7W4594 Promenade PatonManoir des Îles
H7W755 Chemin du SablonCentre du Sablon
H7W4219 Blvd. SamsonDepanneur Samson
H7W4305 Blvd. SamsonSupermarché Atlantis
H7W4427 Blvd. SamsonRoyal Lepage
H7W4600 Blvd. SamsonSupermarché PA
H7W4657 Blvd. SamsonAmbrosia Bakery
H7W4691 Blvd. SamsonJean Coutu
H7W4725 Blvd. SamsonDepanneur Chomedey
H7W4136 Chemin du SouvenirSerano Bakery
H7W4232 Chemin du SouvenirDépanneur STO DEP
H7X550 Autoroute Chomedey OIGA
H7X3200 Autoroute Chomedey A13Chomedey Hyundai
H7X239 Blvd. Samson OAllô mon Coco
H7X245 Blvd. SamsonJean Coutu
H7X555 Blvd. SamsonMetro Marché Denigil

If you would like to add your store as a distribution point, please email us.

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