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Health Canada advises Canadians not to use two Personnelle sunscreen lotions due to microbial contamination

Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use an additional Personnelle sunscreen lotion (see below) because of microbial contamination. The affected sunscreen lotions were sold at Jean Coutu retail locations.

The sunscreen lotions were found to contain Lactobacillus brevis and Micrococcus luteus. Although Lactobacillus brevis does not cause any illness in humans, Micrococcus luteus may cause various infections including skin infections and occasionally serious problems, such as meningitis, septic shock (dangerously low blood pressure in response to an infection), septic arthritis (infection in a joint usually caused by bacteria), pneumonia endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart valves most often caused by infection), or sepsis (a potentially life-threatening complication of an infection). The risk may be higher for children and individuals with a weakened immune system.

Consumers should check to see if they have purchased either of the affected sunscreen lotions as the products should not be used.

Personnelle Sunscreen Lotion 50+ SPF Children and Adults 02395983 21275 JUNE/2017
Personnelle Sunscreen Lotion 30 SPF Children and Adults 02395975 20145 JAN 27. 2017

The company, Empack Spraytech Inc., has initiated a voluntary recall of the additional product. The Department will monitor the recall and inform Canadians if new safety information arises.

Consumers should consult their health-care practitioner with any questions or concerns regarding the use of these sunscreen products.

(SOURCE: Government of Canada)

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