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De Cotis consults Laval’s sports associations


On June 20, officials from the City of Laval met for a second time with some of the principal community association leaders involved with minor sports in Laval in order to come to a better understanding of the Laval community’s sports needs.

Consulted local groups

The meetings were held with the regional and local presidents of the six largest minor sports associations in Laval, the parents who are involved, and representatives from the city such as executive-committee vice-president David De Cotis who oversees sports and recreation and who initiated the encounters.

“I started this practice which didn’t exist when I first came into this post,” De Cotis said. “Our meetings last year allowed us to better understand the issues, needs and realities of those involved in sports in Laval.

“This year, thanks to the excellent work, we were able to fix numerous problems and hope to continue the work next year,” he added. “We know that the City of Laval has some catching up to do, especially with regard to its infrastructure, and we are determined to bring our city up to scale.”

Upgrades underway

De Cotis said Laval is investing in the renovation of its arenas and the construction of an aquatic centre. With the opening of Lausanne Park and Place Bell, he added that the city is on the right track and that consultation meetings will be held again next year.

“We know that the steps that we started last year won’t be sufficient to fix everything now,” he said. “It’s by working together and by making sure that all the players and experts are consulted that we will make Laval progress for the betterment of its youth.”

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