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David De Cotis helps lead a spring cleanup in Lausanne Park

Terry Fox school students, UPS Canada workers, take part in post-winter op

On Saturday May 6, Laval city councillor for Saint-Bruno David De Cotis joined Enrica Uva, operations supervisor for UPS Canada in Laval, as well as Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board district six commissioner Barbara Barrasso for a spring cleanup operation at Lausanne Park.

A tradition starts

Deeming the operation a success, De Cotis pledged that this would not be last time it takes place by any means, and that the cleanup will henceforth become an annual tradition involving everyone from the district who wishes to do their part to keep Lausanne Park clean and neat after the long winter months.

Around 30-40 students from the nearby Terry Fox Elementary School and their parents, as well as 30-35 employees from UPS, joined in the cleanup op. Everybody got involved and managed to have a good time while they were at it.

Future outlook bright

“I was very surprised to see the determination and willingness to participate that these youths showed,” said De Cotis. “Their efforts bode well for future generations. I am sure of that. Congratulations are due to these young people for taking part in this cleanup.”

De Cotis pledged this would not be last time for a post-winter cleanup at Lausanne Park

De Cotis gave credit to UPS Canada for allowing its drivers and other employees who live in the Laval region to take part in the cleanup operation.

“UPS wishes to make its contribution towards making a greener world while supporting communities,” said UPS’s Enrica Uva. “Since 2012, we have planted more than 28 million trees on an international scale. Our goal is to plant 50 million by 2030. The employees at UPS are happy to have participated in the cleanup of Lausanne Park.”

A community effort

The SWLSB says it encourages this type of initiative in its schools, as well as within the families of its students. The board maintains that involvement in the community is a value which is considered important in its academic program.

“Our students showed that they are capable of achieving success,” Barrasso said. “I am proud to see what they accomplished and I feel certain that their parents are proud of them too. One youth at a time, one activity at a time, we are building the society of tomorrow.”

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