City Watch
Alternative parking regulations delayed one month
The executive committee has decided to delay the application of the alternative parking regulations that normally take effect as of October 1st 2018 by one month. This applies to all sectors in Laval. These parking regulations will be enforced as of November 1st 2018. However, the parking prohibitions involving bus stop zones, fire hydrants as well priority lanes for emergency vehicles, spaces for handicapped persons and intersections remain in force at all times.
Acquisition of lots for conservation purposes at Bois de l’Équerre
The executive committee has forwarded a recommendation for municipal council to authorize the acquisition by agreement or by expropriation, of several lots with a total surface area of 79,391.1 square meters which are necessary for the conservation of the woodlands known as Bois de l’Équerre. Also the proposal includes the demand for a permanent servitude within an area of 2,347.1 square meters required for the installation, maintenance and upkeep of an underground municipal water main.
Collection and transport of organic matter
The executive committee has asked city council to award Enviro Connexions a contract in the amount of $12,256,049.86 for Lot 1 and $ 8,434,153.24 for Lot 2 for the collection, transportation and management of organic matter waste in Laval for the next five years. The conditions inherent in this contract represent a potential savings of up to $3 million over the five year term of the contract for municipal coffers based on projected quantities of organic wastes to be managed.
Waste collection bins
The members of the executive committee recommended that city council award Management USD Inc. a contract of $ 774,507.24 for the maintenance, repair and replacement of rolling garbage bins including delivery costs. The duration of this contract is four years. The Environment and Eco-Citizenship Department had put in place a procedure to monitor the organic waste management interventions in Laval and to monitor the inventory of parts and bins. This information has made it possible to provide a more detailed call for tenders and guidelines for the contract to be executed under more favorable conditions, in terms of both quality and quantity. This contract also includes storage of bins and inventory.
Access to Bois de Sainte-Dorothée and future Mont-Laval Park
The members of the executive committee approved the transfer of a lot from its parks and green space bank in exchange of an assignment of a lot as a contribution for park purposes which will allow the future development of the Mont-Laval Park in the Sainte-Dorothée district subdivision permit application PL-2016-165. The exchange will also make it possible to provide access to the Bois de Sainte-Dorothée.
Revision of signage around Souvenir Elementary School
The executive committee authorized the modification and installation of revised parking and road traffic signs on Bertin Street and Souvenir Road near Souvenir Elementary School in the Chomedey District. All of the proposed changes around elementary schools are intended to well demarcate drop off and loading zones of students at primary schools as well as to ensure that the speed limits for the school zones is clearly identified. New signs will be installed in addition to replacing missing or damaged existing panels.
Parking prohibited on the rue des Châteaux
In order to increase the visibility of the drivers who navigate Châteaux Street and to facilitate traffic entry onto this street, the executive committee has agreed to introduce new parking restrictions and their appropriate parking signs. The new regulations will prohibit parking iun front of the residences numbered 3300, 3310 and 3320 on rue des Châteaux in the Souvenir-Labelle district.
Ecologically combatting concrete heat islands
The executive committee authorized the Public Works Department to work in collaboration with its Department of the Environment and Eco-Citizenship committee to submit a pilot project and request for financial assistance application of $929,075 to the Government of Québec as part of the Climat municipalities – Phase 2 program. The pilot project involves an ecological restoration of motorway overpasses/bridge exchanges designed to mitigate and reduce the effects of urban heat islands (UHI) found along major roadway networks.
Have you ever walked by a city park or bank of trees and noticed the distinctive feeling of cooler air? The elevated temperature in concrete urban development areas as compared to rural, less developed areas is referred to as the urban heat island effect.
The funding will be used for the ecological restoration of three expressway viaducts and will not only mitigate the heating island effects but will also help reduce the water runoff that needs to be managed by municipal sewer infrastructures. The social innovation of the project lies in the redefinition of an urban landscape consistent with an environmentally friendly and sustainable urban development in nature.
Fire Prevention Week
Fire prevention week takes place in October of each year. It is celebrated everywhere in Quebec. In Laval from October 7th to 13th firefighters will take advantage of this thematic week to promote fire safety behaviors that residents can adopt daily.
As part of the closing activity for Fire Prevention Week all nine Laval Fire Stations will open their doors to the public on October 13th. For more information on Fire Prevention Week activities and fire station open houses visit Laval’s Department of Public Safety’s website. Also firefighters would like to remind residents that this week is a good time to test household smoke detectors and ensure the replacement of new batteries.
Laval’s Seniors Week
Laval’s Seniors Week of 2018 will take place from October 10th to 21st 2018. Organized by the City of Laval with the collaboration of various community organizations, the Laval Seniors week programming aims to stimulate exchanges between seniors and all other generations. The planning committee has organized more than sixty activities for seniors and includes: musical shows, theater, symposia, workshops and conferences.
While most activities are free some require a reservation or the purchase of tickets. The complete program of the 2018 Laval Seniors Week can be found online at the city internet portal or at the local municipal sports and recreation centers (BMLs).