Request for financial aid from Quebec
With the abolition of the Regional Conference of Elected Representatives of Laval (CRE) by the provincial government the city administration has inherited new obligations like social and environmental development which traditionally have been responsibilities under provincial jurisdiction. With the added responsibility come added financial obligations therefore Laval’s Executive Committee has authorized its Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport and Social Development (SCLSDS) to file applications for financial assistance from several ministries and ministerial programs.
The Executive Committee authorized the Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport and Social Development (SCLSDS) to file an application for financial assistance from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy under the (FIRM) initiative which supports the development of a comprehensive strategic plan for urban revitalization. The amount of financial assistance that is requested from this budget is $ 475,000. These FIRM funds will enable Laval to support studies for an integrated urban revitalization effort already underway and would provide the catalyst to draw up a comprehensive renewal plan of action adapted to the most disadvantaged areas in Laval, Saint-François and Laval West.
The Executive Committee also mandated its responsible service to request interim funding of approximately $ 200,000 from the Department of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) under the Mobilization Program addressing Diversity. This temporary funding will cover the period from April 1st 2016 till March 31st 2017allowing the city to increase its involvement and leadership in social development. The MIDI funds will be used to enable the city of Laval services to cultivate and promote a welcoming and inclusive protocol to help immigrants establish roots as residence and citizens of Laval.
Also in the course of delegating the responsibility concerning the sustainable management program of Forestry by the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Parks the executive committee has signed an agreement in which the ministry will provide it a grant of $ 90,000 over three years covering the period from April 1st 2015 to March 31st 2018. The projects that can be funded under this grant must facilitate the awareness, education and extension of the development of wood as a renewable resource.
Support for the organization ALPABEM
A grant of $ 5,000 was given to the Laval Association of Parents and Friends for Mental well-being (ALPABEM) for support in realizing the project “Have you my number?” This project targets youth 12 to 17 years of age. This project hopes to consult teens and solicit their inputs in order to design, host and promote a website dedicated to providing teens with pertinent information and support. The material will address health, social and community issues that affect teens and the services available to them in Laval. This project is an integral element in the municipal action plan 2015-2017 to develop the mission of Municipalities, the friend of children directive.
Sports Exposition Laval Youth event
Following the recommendation of Laval’s community services (SCLSDS), members of the executive committee approved a grant of $ 1 500 for the Saint-Gilles school which hosted a sports exposition of Laval’s youth. The thirds annual edition of this event, Salon sports et loisirs Jeunesse Laval, which took place on Saturday 19th March was organized by Sports Laval in partnership with local organizations.
Combatting Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) tree pest outbreak
Satisfied with the service offered by the company Greenspace Services for the treatment of EAB with TreeAzin, a botanical insecticide, the Executive Committee has approved a first renewal of the contract in the amount of $ 127,090 (before taxes) for 2016 . This amount will treat approximately 1,000 ash trees. In order to help retard the spread of this pest the administration of Laval offers citizens the opportunity to also treat their ash trees with TreeAzin at a special rate negotiated by the City. The company Greenspace services can be contacted at 1 800 565-5296 from June 1st to August 31st 2016.
Agrilus planipennis, commonly known as the emerald ash borer, is a green jewel beetle native to eastern Asia that feeds on ash species. In its native range, it is typically found at low densities and is not considered a significant pest. Outside its native range, it is an invasive species and is highly destructive to ash trees native to northwest Europe and North America.
Collection, transport and composting of organic materials
The City of Laval announced in the 2016 budget the addition of 10,000 doors in the collection of organic waste which is compostable material as part of its waste management services. In 2016 this will mean local composting sites will collect and manage about 4500 tons of organic compost material. This volume is expected to rise to 6500 tons in 2017 and to 14 000 tons in 2018. The current capacity of Laval’s composting site is not large enough to handle this volume of compostable materials.
This has prompted the executive committee of Laval to tender a public offer of service in order to procure the services of a supplier capable of providing not only the organic material collection but to also transport these materials to an external site for composting.
Civil Security Policy
Quebec’s minister of Public Security published a new strategy to address growing concerns of public security in Quebec. The report tabled in February of 2014 described the changing elements essential for insuring the continued security of citizens. Considering Laval’s demographics and crime profiles reflect the Quebec reality the Police department has asked the administration permission to develop a plan of action to evolve the resources of its service to better meet the growing challenges of the public safety. A regional plan of action to develop crime preventive strategies and the coordination of public security measures has been drawn up. The police department has asked the executive to table its protocol for approval by the city council and to approve its disseminations to the municipal services implicated in its application.