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Laval City Watch

Investment of $ 6.1 million for work on 100th Avenue and Cléroux Boulevard

Members of the Executive Committee have awarded a contract of $ 6,162,569.40 (taxes included) to Duroking Construction for the initial construction phase of the 100th Avenue extension to Cléroux Boulevard, completing its extension to the Autoroute Jean-Noel-Lavoie (440). The budget involves the building of the sewer, water, drainage road systems as well as preliminary street infrastructures. The finished 100th Avenue will join Charles-Haeck Street to Cléroux Boulevard and will also involve renovations and expansion of the existing stretch of the 100th Avenue from Cléroux Boulevard to the AutoRoute 440 in the same area.


Construction of Fire Station No. 5 in Saint-François

The Executive Committee will recommend that City Council award the construction contract for a new fire station which will be built in Saint-François. This contract has been awarded to the Consortium MR Canada with an estimated budget of $ 7,757,000. The professional management service contract to oversee and supervise the construction work will be entrusted to Viau Bastien Gosselin Architectes at a cost of $ 324,504.49 (including taxes). Philippe Hudon (Simulead) will be commissioned to oversee planning to bring the station on line during the construction and post-construction phase for $ 10,922.63 (including the taxes). The new building will be equipped with five garage doors and will include offices in addition to living areas for nine firefighters, four officers and one trainee.


New agreement to encourage the start-up of collective enterprises

An agreement to consolidate the efforts between the city of Laval, the Pôle régional d’économie sociale de Laval (PRESL-Laval’s regional social economy development agency) and the Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins for the Young Collective Enterprises program was approved by the Executive Committee. Thanks to this agreement, a new social economy company in Laval will receive a $ 3,000 grant from the Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins, conditional that its project is also approved a grant from the City’s Social Economy Fund for a minimum amount of $ 10,000 as well as qualify for a loan from a financial partner in the social economy development for a minimum amount of $ 10,000. The startup company will need to become a member of the PRESL and the Caisse d’économie solidaire. This agreement does not require any additional financial contribution from the City of Laval as its contribution is made through its social economy development fund.


Professional Services for Strategic Intelligence and Information Technology

Members of the Executive Committee have awarded Gartner Canada Co. a contract to renew the 2018 subscription to the firm’s strategic intelligence and information technology professional services. This subscription provides agents of Laval’s Innovation and Technology Service access to anonymous databases which are continuously updated and incorporate vital statistics of various business operations provided by Gartner customers. In return, these customers can compare themselves to their competitors or to the market at large as costs, efficiencies and return on investments data is collected and processed.

Gartner also provides a software suite called Decision Tools that can measure the overall impact of innovation and return on investment of different projects and planning decisions. The City of Laval had already obtained authorization from the Quebec Shared Services Center to join the agreement with Gartner.


Community Tree Planting

The Executive Committee reviewed and approved various community tree planting projects for the fall of 2017. The projects involve collaboration with the following organizations: Équerre Wood Development Corporation, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Éco-Nature, Collège Montmorency, Collège Citoyen, École Jean-Lemonde, Corporation du Center du Sablon and the Association for the Conservation of the Papineau Woods. In review it is expected that these autumn projects will result in the planting of 53 trees with a minimum height of two meters as well as three hundred and sixty shrubs.

In the spring of 2017 twelve planting projects were completed which added a total of 2625 trees and 60 shrubs to Laval’s horticultural inventory.  This greenery was planted in both natural and urban environments. The City’s involvement consists in coordinating the work and providing the raw materials including trees and shrubs, compost and chips from the municipal composting site as well as other planting material. The organizations provide the desire, vision and human resources required to make the city more ecologically friendly.


Almost $ 23,000 in grants to two organizations

The members of the Executive Committee awarded grants totaling $ 22,960 to two Laval organizations. The Carrefour d’intercultures de Laval was awarded $ 7,960 for the Camps d’intégration socio-culturelle project. This project facilitated the social and educational integration of newly arrived immigrant children attending welcome and integration classes. Three of the City of Laval’s day camp centers welcomed the selected children, including two sites in the Chomedey district and one in the Pont-Viau / Laval-des-Rapides district.

The Regroupement du sport in Laval was awarded a $ 15,000 grant for the enhancement of the Excellence Sports Laval program, which aims to promote the development of elite-level Laval athletes of Laval. This not for profit organization offers athletes who compete on a national and international level access to various professional services including mental and physical preparation, nutritional counselling as well as physiotherapeutic services.


Collection of Hazardous Household Waste (HHW)

On Saturday September 16th from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm the city will once again provide residents the opportunity to discard hazardous household waste collecting in their homes and garages in a responsible ecologically friendly manner.

Citizens are invited to bring their old cans of paint, computer equipment, oils and solvents, medicines and other household hazardous waste (HHW). This service is provided exclusively and is reserved for Laval residents therefore it is compulsory to provide proof of residency. Companies and general contractors are not eligible. The waste must be properly crated in cardboard boxes. No containers will be emptied on the site or materials transferred. Liquid waste including motor oils must be dropped of in disposable containers.

For the complete list of accepted materials and how to prepare domestic waste for this collection and the volume of waste that will be accepted, residents are invited to consult the Hazardous Domestic Waste – HHW site on Laval’s website. The location of the collection is at the parking lot of the municipal building located at 1333 Chomedey Boulevard.

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