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CISSS de Laval announces new hours and restrictions for COVID-19

Visitors not permitted, but caregivers are with some restrictions

The CISSS de Laval has announced adjustments to the usual hours for visiting its health and social services establishments in order to respect restrictions made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since Jan. 9 and until the provincial government lifts the curfew regulations now in place for 30 days, all access at CISSS institutions will end at 7:30 pm. As well, access by visitors will not be permitted until further notice.

Access restricted

However, the CISSS says caregivers who are providing significant help will be able to have access to public and private CHSLDs, to intermediate resources of more than 20 beds, and to private residences for seniors as long as access is by one person maximum per 24-hour period.

For Cité-de-la-Santé hospital and the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital, the CISSS says visits are temporarily limited.

Visitors and companions are not allowed for the time being, taking into account the alert currently underway, except for users admitted in palliative care and end of life where visits are permitted at all times with some conditions. However, caregiver visits will be permitted at the above two institutions, subject to prevailing visiting hours.

Suggested measures

The CISSS says it is counting on the cooperation of everyone to put into practice the prevention recommendations to stop the spread of COVID-19. These measures include hand sanitizing for at least 20 seconds when going in and when leaving establishments. The public is being asked to not visit any CISSS centres under the following conditions:

• If you have flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, breathing difficulties, muscle aches).

• If you are returning from a trip outside Canada in the last 14 days.

• If you have been in contact with a person returning from a trip or who was diagnosed with COVID-19.

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