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Cartier Arena to serve as treatment centre for COVID-19 patients

With the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic now acknowledged by public health officials, the City of Laval will be turning the Cartier Arena in Pont-Viau into a secondary site for the treatment of patients.

The City of Laval’s Cartier Arena in Pont-Viau is being called into service as a secondary site for COVID-19 patients during the second wave of the pandemic.

Around 50 beds are being set up at the arena for COVID patients who are ill, but not seriously enough to require regular hospitalization.

During the first wave, the City of Laval’s Place Bell was used as an alternative treatment site. As the Cartier Arena is a much older city facility, some changes had to be made, including modifications to the ventilation system.

The arena is expected to be ready by next week to take in patients from Cité-de-la-Santé, but also from the CISSSS de Laval, as well as from retirement residences.

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