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Action Laval loses two more city councillors

Action Laval, the second-place opposition party at Laval city hall, lost two more sitting members on Wednesday this week with the announced resignations of Vimont city councillor Michel Poissant and Marigot city councillor Daniel Hébert from the party caucus.

In a statement the two issued, they said they were leaving Action Laval to pursue their mandates as independents. First elected with Mayor Marc Demers’ Mouvement lavallois in 2013 when Demers’ party first swept into office, Poissant and Hébert were part of a group of dissidents who broke away, citing a lack of transparency in the administration, then later decided to join Action Laval.

Vimont city councillor Michel Poissant has decided to leave Action Laval.
Marigot city councillor Daniel Hébert is abandoning Action Laval.

Despite the fact the Action Laval caucus had grown to six city councillors by March 2019, the departure of Poissant and Hébert leaves Action Laval more weakened than ever.

This past February, Action Laval councillors David De Cotis, Isabella Tassoni and Paolo Galati also resigned from the Action Laval caucus following leaked information suggesting they were in a potential conflict of interest involving real-estate transactions.

The sole remaining member of Action Laval on Laval city council now is Chomedey city councillor Aglaia Revelakis. The Official Opposition at Laval city hall is the Parti Laval, led by Marc-Aurèle-Fortin councillor Michel Trottier, with Fabreville councillor Claude Larochelle being the party’s second member sitting on council.

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